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IFDC recognizes the need to bring together appropriate technical and commercial expertise to most effectively deliver on  challenging  projects and is pleased to collaborate with specialist consultancies as and when required. Over the years , the IFDC team has developed excellent relationship with a few specialist consultancies and vendors including:

LEAN  GeoSolutions – LEAN GeoSolutions is an innovative global consulting company based in Houston, Texas offering a wide range of Geophysical interpretation services to oil and gas companies worldwide in both conventional and unconventional plays. LEAN GeoSolutions is currently involved in projects across the Exploration & Production life cycle from frontier exploration, especially in the Atlantic margin to brown field development and monitoring for optimization and infill drilling.

PanTerra  GeoConsultants BV – PanTerra is an integrated laboratory ,geosciences and engineering consultancy serving the international oil and gas for more  than 25 years. Since 1988, PanTerra has grown from a small core laboratory, geosciences and engineering consultancy with a reputation for technical excellence and professional integrity.

SURTEK– SURTEK is an oil and gas consulting firm that was formed in 1978 to provide independent engineering, laboratory, numerical simulation, pilot and field implementation, facilities design, and operations consulting for oil companies involved in all aspects of enhanced oil recovery.

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